It�s not that I never did tell you It�s more that should�ve just known That once you break it you�ve bought it And once you�ve bought it it�s breakable
In town at the bar there�s a calendar From nineteen thirty three That�s been hanging there for decades Since sobriety lost to reality
Sometimes I sit in the corner And invent stories and all of them crimes Of pretty girls kidnapped by radicals That fall in love with them after a time
Well It�s not that I never did tell you It�s more that should�ve just known That once you break it you�ve bought it And once you�ve bought it it�s breakable
At the edge of town where the street lights drown And the highway melts into the dark I built me a shack with a porch out the back Where I sit and shoot bottles like question marks
Sometimes you wonder at yourself And how it is you�re still alive And done all them things you never thought Like kissing ass and calling it compromise
In town at the bar there�s an exit That leads back to something before Pretty girls were kidnapped by radicals That took from them all that they stood for
Well it�s not that I never did tell you It�s more that you never did know That once you break it you�ve bought it And once you�ve bought it it�s breakable