Silent calls of solitudeWaiting for declineDelivered from their passionTo spill the blood tonightLaughing dead corruptionThe truth is just a takeUndying hate is buriedInto a nameless graveDon't be afraidDon't run awayTheir past has been dividedEmperor's sacrificeThe dead will take the reignBlessed by the gunsCity of godCrawling deep into your soulA life that fades awayBalanced on the edge of scornFor whom you gonna prayTerror without pityInsane and tearing mindsAll wars could be forgottenWhen life is so unkindDon't be afraidDon't run awayTheir past has been dividedEmperor's sacrificeThe dead will take the reignBlessed by the gunsCity of godDon't be afraidDon't run awayTheir past has been dividedEmperor's sacrificeCity of godThe dead will take the reignBlessed by the gunsCity of god