We have to face new problems everydayThis is the price to payThere's no justice in this landWe don't need to play their silly gamesI believe, you believeIn a world that will never be freeLet me tell you againI'm not born to become what they needNo more sleepless nightsNo more waiting foreverThere's a better place to goWe'll find it togetherI don't believe a single word they sayHere comes the same old taleSomebody's closing all the doorsWe will try to escape one dayI believe, you believeIn a world that will never be freeLet me tell you againI'm not born to become what they needNo more sleepless nightsNo more waiting foreverThere's a better place to goWe'll find it togetherNo more sleepless nightsNo more waiting foreverThere's a better place to goWe'll find it togetherForever, together, together againNo more sleepless nightsNo more waiting foreverThere's a better place to goWe'll find it together