CHORUS: And behold (And behold) Lord, the bridegroom's coming Lift up (lift up) My Lord has prophesied And be ready (And be ready) when the bridegroom's coming To meet him in the *air.
Repeat CHORUS:
VERSE: Ever seen such a man as this? Jesus was sent came down to die Jesus was sent came down to die Came to save (my soul from the eternal fire)
VERSE: Ever seen such a man as this? Jesus was sent came down to die Jesus was sent came down to die I want to meet (the holy Son of God)
VERSE: I have an invitaion to a wedding Oh the bridgegroom's in the air Don't you know I'm gettin' ready And I want you to be there.
CHORUS: Then behold (behold the bridegroom cometh) Lift up (lift up) your voices, come along Be ready (be ready) when the bridegroom cometh To meet Him in the air.
repeat CHORUS:
VERSE: Oh will He lift this burden He'll come by land or sea And behold the Master's comin' Who died for you and me
VERSE: I want to see my people I'm goin' to the land over there My hands are sinned and burdened Want to meet Him in the air.