What I knew when I looked at youTemptationWhat I like when you touch me tooTemptationIn the middle of the day I poker, I playTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youWhat I did just for glowing with loveTemptationWhat I do when our love is throughTemptationIn the middle of the day I poker, I playTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptationTemptationTemptationWhat I knew when I looked at youTemptationWhat I like when you touch me tooTemptationIn the middle of the day I poker, I playTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTemptation when I look at youTRADCeea ce am ?tiut când m-am uitat la tineIspitaCe-mi place când ma atingi preaIspitaÎn mijlocul poker zi am, ma jocTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineCeea ce am facut doar pentru stralucitoare cu dragosteIspitaCe sa fac atunci când iubirea noastra este prinIspitaÎn mijlocul poker zi am, ma jocTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineIspitaIspitaIspitaCeea ce am ?tiut când m-am uitat la tineIspitaCe-mi place când ma atingi preaIspitaÎn mijlocul poker zi am, ma jocTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tineTemptation când ma uit la tine